Monday, December 30, 2019

Treatment Of Depression Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And...

Introduction In Exploring Psychology, Myers states that â€Å"depression is one of two disorders found worldwide† (521). On account of this fact, research and treatment of depression is widely studied. One of the biggest questions one must ask when it comes to treatment of depression, though, is what will actually benefit a person? The most popular ways to treat depression are cognitive behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy; both are very different, but may have similar effects. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on disputing negative thoughts, whereas pharmacotherapy (PT) uses medication. Being that CBT does not include medication, there are some perks to its use. Moghaddam, et al. point out in their study that after discontinuation of treatment, CBT patients’ behavior doesn’t really change (561). Medication doesn’t have the same carry-over effects as a changed mind. Moghaddam, et al.’s study compared the treatment of a nxiety and depression using either CBT or PT. They found that patients with depression showed similar results with both treatments (564). Kocsis compared results from studies dealing with pharmacotherapy and did a meta-analysis. He found that in short term trials, PT was rather effective for different depressive states. He also found that full remission was much less than 50%. When looking at longer term studies, he discovered that certain medications were still more effective than placebos (890). AntidepressantShow MoreRelatedCognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing And Pharmacotherapy1307 Words   |  6 PagesGAD can feel a strong lack of compassion in regards to their experiences and self processing. This essay will be discussing three different kinds of treatment for GAD. Cognitive behavioural therapy, Motivational interviewing and pharmacotherapy. 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Depression was known since antiquity. Hippocrates diagnosed it in fourth century BC (McNamara and Horan, 1986). After World War II, depression was described as â€Å"aggression turned inward† (McNamara Horan, 1986). Now there is Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, which is designed to evaluate how severe is depression (Gibbons et al., 2012). Depression is known worldwide. In EuropeanRead MoreTreatment Of Schizophrenia And Generalized Anxiety Disorder1427 Words   |  6 Pagespatients include depression, schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder. The psychiatric disorders may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. All these disorders of the mind greatly affect the quality of life of the sufferers. Depression may affect any individual at any stage of life and the symptoms include lack of interest and generalized low moods. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Conan - 1253 Words

In the history of British literature, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ranks highly amongst the most famous authors of all time. Mention his name, and most people will immediately think of one thing; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle equates to Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was certainly much more than his most famous creation, and away from his most famous creation, his life was full of interesting and strange facts and events. NAME It is common to see Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s name shortened to just Conan Doyle, Conan though, was not part of his surname, and was in fact just one of his two middle names. Conan Doyle’s full name was Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle. It was only when he started his professional career that Arthur started to use†¦show more content†¦Specifically, Conan Doyle was an eye specialist, having been an undergraduate at Edinburgh University from 1876 to 1881. After completing his time at Edinburgh University, Conan Doyle undertook work as a ship’s doctor, ran doctor’s practices in Birmingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth and London, and he even went to Vienna briefly to continue his studying. The south coast of England would often prove to be home to Conan Doyle, and for a long period he lived in Hindhead; and when he died of heart-attack, aged 71, in 1930, Conan Doyle was buried in Minstead. SPORT The practices run by Conan Doyle were not particularly successful, and so Conan Doyle would often find that he had plenty of spare time to indulge in other interests, including writing and playing sport. It is often said that Conan Doyle is one of the world’s most famous goalkeepers; Conan Doyle though played for the amateur side Portsmouth Association Football Club, and not the more famous Portsmouth FC as is often said as fact. Portsmouth FC was founded in 1898, whilst Portsmouth AFC operated from 1884 to 1896. In 1893, Conan Doyle would briefly move to Switzerland, staying in Davos. Here he started taking part in the brand new winter sport of skiing, being one of the very first from Britain to try it. Conan Doyle would write enthusiastically about it, and is

Friday, December 13, 2019

Character and Iago Free Essays

The Balance of Iago and Desdemona’s Characters in Othello In William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello the balance of good versus evil is seen in Desdemona and Iago. â€Å"Every character is [†¦] balanced by another similar or contrasting character†(Kernan 877). We see this balance in Desdemona’s â€Å"innocence† and Iago’s corrupting hatred (877). We will write a custom essay sample on Character and Iago or any similar topic only for you Order Now The effects both Iago and Desdemona have on the main character Othello throughout the play only help to show this balance. Othello becomes the tragic work of art due to the balancing of Iago’s hatred and Desdemona’s loyalty throughout the play. At the beginning of the play, Iago’s hatred is evident through his desire to have revenge on Othello. As he speaks to Roderigo, he discusses this hatred for Othello. â€Å"These fellows have some soul, / And such a one do I profess myself. / It is as sure as you are Roderigo, / Were I the Moor I would not be Iago. / In following him, I follow but myself- / Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, / But seeming so for my peculiar end. † (Shakespeare 1. 1. 56-62). From this Iago begins his plot to overtake Othello by manipulating others to do his bidding which only adds to the extremity of his character. With his plot in motion, Iago, according to Amy Clark, uses a special technique to trick Othello by â€Å"cleverly [appearing] to be reluctant to speak ill against others. † This technique â€Å"makes Othello not suspect Iago of any dishonest behavior† (Clark). This is where Othello believes his so called friend over his wife. This method that Clark speaks of shows Iago’s deceit towards Othello. Iago says to Othello, â€Å"Cassio:/ In sleep I heard him say â€Å"Sweet Desdemona,/ Let us be wary, let us hide our loves†;/ And then, sir, would he gripe and wring my hand,/ Cry â€Å"O sweet creature! and then kiss me hard,/ then laid his leg/ Over my thigh, and sigh’d, and kiss’d; and/ Cried â€Å"Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor! † (Shakespeare 3. 3. 418-426) Iago is also willing to do almost anything to get his revenge. This is proven again at the denouement of the play, when Iago kills his own wife, as she tells Othello that Des demona was in fact innocent. Iago tries to shut Emilia up from stating the truth by saying, â€Å"Zounds, hold your piece† (Shakespeare 5. 2. 231), â€Å"Be wise, and get you home† (Shakespeare 5. 2. 236), â€Å"Villainous whore! (Shakespeare 5. 2. 243) and â€Å"Filth, thou liest! † (Shakespeare 5. 2. 246). Iago isn’t successful in shutting Emilia up until he stabs her and she dies. Iago manipulates and twists many actions within this play to help him succeed in his revenge against Othello; however, in the end of the play it is not only Othello but also Iago who creates his own demise. Desdemona in turn balances out Iago’s pure hatred with the love and devotion she has towards her husband. Desdemona says to Othello, â€Å"For ‘twas that hand that gave away my heart† (Shakespeare 3. . 43) proving that her love and devotion was for Othello, and Othello only. William Long says that this is shown in Desdemona’s â€Å"exposition o f the reasons she loves Othello [and this helps to define] her essential character as a woman of loyalty and fidelity to him† (Long). This can also be seen when Desdemona is questioned about leaving Venice to follow Othello to Cyprus. She says, â€Å"The rites for why I love him are bereft me,/ And I a heavy interim shall support / By his dear absence. Let me go with him† (Shakespeare 1. 3. 258-60). As the play comes to its climax, we can see the effect that Desdemona has on her husband. Overcome with a jealous rage, due to the fact that he thinks Desdemona is cheating on him, and thanks to Iago’s hatred, Othello ends up killing her despite her pleas. Although, Desdemona is completely innocent of this act, she remains faithful to her husband in her last breath as she declares to Emilia that â€Å"nobody† did this to her except herself (Shakespeare 5. 2. 128). Othello has been called one of William Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, and throughout the entire play, Alvin Kerman’s theory of each character having another character that is â€Å"similar or contrasting† to create balance is shown directly through the characters Iago and Desdemona (877). Othello’s corruptive behavior is caused by Iago’s hatred and is balanced by her innocence as well as her love and devotion for her husband. The balances they create make Othello the tragedy it is known as today. Works Cited Clark, Amy. â€Å"Analyze The Techniques Iago Uses to Plant Suspicion In Othello’s Mind. Coursework. Info. Web. 03 Apr. 2012 Kernan, Alvin. â€Å"The Complete Signet Classic Shakespeare. † Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing. Ed. X. J. Kenndy and Dana Gioia. 4th ed. New York: Longman, 2012. 877. Print. 03 Apr. 2012 Long, William R. â€Å"Desdemona’s Love and Othello. † Dr. Wi lliam Long and Dr. Bill Long. 1 Jan. 2004. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. Shakespeare, William. Othello, The Moor of Venice. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing. Ed. X. J. Kenndy and Dana Gioia. 4th ed. New York: Longman, 2012. 762-875. Print. 03 Apr. 2012 How to cite Character and Iago, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

USMC Book Report Template free essay sample

The purpose Elbert Hubbard wanted to get across in his book was no matter what your position is, if you are given a task or an order to do it without question or hesitation. The mission was to ensure people everywhere were doing this to keep everyone focused on their objectives which allow more work to get done faster and more efficiently. I believe the part that gets the authors point across the most is when Rowan takes the letter from Mckinely and was given the task to carry the message to general Garcia without asking a question. I believe the part of the book that was least effective in getting Elbert Hubbarts point across was when he made the point of the office clerk asking a couple questions about the task he was given. I believe in some circumstances a question may have to be asked to ensure the job gets done correctly but it all depends how it is asked. We will write a custom essay sample on USMC Book Report Template or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author assumes to effectively accomplish a mission you have to have a positive additude, integrity, and passion. You should be able to accomplish the mission wether you have a good or bad leader as long as you have those three things. The author shows this clearly with Rowan receiving his task and getting it done and how he gets it done. This book is relevant to what I do as a LCPL is the Marine Corps. As a LCPL you need to always have a positive additude and focused on your objective because you can receive a lot of tasks at one time and no one wants to hear a complaint. This is exactly what Elbert Hubbard wanted to get across. The implied conclusion of A Message to Garcia was to be the best worker you can be no matter what your job is and no matter how hard your job is. To always stay focused on what needs to get done and do it without hesitation. I agree with the author about how tasks should get accomplished because ive seen someone question and order and eventually get it done and ive seen someone without hesitation get a task done to the best of their ability as fast as they could. When someone stays focused and gets the job done unhesitantly it affects everyone around them in a positive way. That could make a huge difference on mission accomplishment.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

An Inspector Calls, how does Priestly resent the character of Goole Essay Example

An Inspector Calls, how does Priestly resent the character of Goole Paper J. B. Priestly wrote the play in 1945, however the play is actually set in 1912. From this gap between 1912 -1945 some major historical events had taken place, for example: in 1906 the suffrage movement became active. In 1908 old age pensions were introduced, 1912 the Titanic sunk, in 1909 the first class channel flight had been successful. Also 1914-1918 the First World War took place. 1939-1945 the Second World War had also took place. And also in 1920 the first university degrees were opened to women. Time is an important consideration in the play because it was written in 1945 but set in 1912 in this gap of time historical changes had taken place so when J. B Priestly had written the play in the year of 1945 (the year that world war two ended. ) he could not be sure what it exactly was like in 1912, because of all the historical changes that had taken place in that time gap (1912-1945). Also in 1912 there were class divides, working class (such as Eva), middle class and upper class. Working class was for poor people, middle class was for people who werent poor but werent rich and upper class was for wealthy people (such as the Birlings and the Crofts). Goole is introduce into the play during the Birlings celebration a young girl has committed suicide and he slowly reveals how each member of the family have helped contribute towards her suicide. When each member of the Birling family find out that they contributed to the death of Eva Smith, they react in very different ways and learn different things from the experience. We will write a custom essay sample on An Inspector Calls, how does Priestly resent the character of Goole specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on An Inspector Calls, how does Priestly resent the character of Goole specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on An Inspector Calls, how does Priestly resent the character of Goole specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this essay I am going to talk about the effects that the inspectors visit has on the other characters. Goole is introduced to the play as an inspector who is looking into a suicide case, priestly wants us to believe that Goole is an inspector who is looking into a suicide case, obviously priestly shows that Goole has a lot of information on the Birling family, but how does the inspector know all this information about the family? Priestly wants us to believe that Goole is an inspector who is determined to get an end result, We can see this in the way he speaks to each of the characters, He is determined to bleed as much information out of them as he can. (But he already knows everything he needs to know, he tests them to see if they are telling the truth. ) We find out that Goole isnt a real policeman when Mr Birling calls the hospital and asks if a young woman has died of poisoning that afternoon. When the hospital tell him that no one has died of poisoning that afternoon the Birlings then know that they had been interviewed under false pretences (at this point the Birlings then know that inspector Goole wasnt a real inspector). Gooles visit has a big impact on the Birlings Household, we can see from it that the family have slowly grew apart. If Goole wasnt a real inspector then why would he have gone to all the trouble to talk to the Birlings in the way he has? Goole if not a real inspector could have gone to these lengths to tell the family the hurt and pain that they have caused people such as Eva he might also have gone to these lengths to express the ways he feels about the Birlings. Priestly wants us to think open minded about weather Goole is a real inspector or not, this way everything that Goole says we are in two minds to believe. Mr Birling is a stubborn man who always believes he is right no matter what he does, he is wealthy man and respected for his work. Birling is pompous (he is full of his own views on life). He is self-centred because his main concern is how the situation will effect his chances of a knighthood. Birling doesnt understand his son because he doesnt really listen to Eric or take any notice of his views. Birling is a man who believes and thinks what he wants to think, he is so tied up in his own fantasy world that he doesnt even know his own family as good as he should. He is a prosperous businessman who only cares about his knighthood and his business (the business Eva was dismissed from). The inspector clearly points this out by the questions in which he asks. Mr Birlings family learn that he is a cold hearted man who only thinks about his own life and doesnt let anyone come in the way of it. The inspector speaks to Mr Birling in a sharp and un-respectful way. The inspector shows no sorrow for Mr Birling, the inspector is sharp and to the point also at one point Mr Birling demands the inspector to leave at once. Mr Birling also speaks to the inspector in an un-respectful tone of voice, he is very concerned about the unexpected visit so he speaks as if he is being sarcastic and also as if he is trying to cover something up. Mr Birling tries to show his importance by saying that he was an alderman for years- lord mayor two years ago is still on the bench. Anyhow the inspector takes no notice of this remark and carries on with the investigation, as Mr. Birling tells his part of the story about his employee Eva Smith he tells it in such a way that he is a kind fair man who respects his fellow workforce but we can and Inspector Goole can see that it is only himself trying to cover up his own conscience. In reality Mr. Birling is a greedy man who is cold hearted and only thinks of no one but himself. Near the end of the play Birling begins to feel sorry for Eva Smith, the inspectors visit had brought out Mr. Birlings emotional side of things also. But Mr. Birling thinks that his workers should not get more than the minimum annual pay and this in turn explains how Eva got dismissed, she lead a strike and Birling gave her the sack for being one of the main organizers. He shows Remorse when he says, I would give thousands but it is obviously too late and again, it is about money and not the caring. At the end of the play when he thinks the inspector is a Hoax he feels pleased as he thinks he is back in the running for a knighthood again, but this thought goes when the hospital call them back and tell them the bad news. Overall Birlings main worry is what the public will think about him and his family he didnt care about Eva or any other people, only himself. Now he has seen what the inspectors impact has had on the family and himself that if another inspector was to call again he would probably keep quiet and not show any emotion. Sheila Birling learns a lot during the play and undergoes, in a short time space, a change that usually only happens over a very long period of time. This is cased by what she has gone through in the play, First she finds out that she was involved in Evas suicide. This makes her think about the sort of person she is and this starts the change of attitude inside her, then she finds out that Gerald had been having an affair with Eva and this then makes her think about the people that she loves and this in turn has destroyed her marriage. Sheila becomes more mature as the play progresses and she sees the hurt and pain that she has been a part of and caused. When the inspector leaves she takes over the role of him by giving the family a lecture on how they should treat people no matter what class they are. But at Millwards Sheila got Eva the sack because she was a lower class woman and looked better than she did in a dress. By compare that we can see that Sheila has changed dramatically during the inspectors visit to the Birlings. Sheila understands everything the inspector has said and she admits to the part in which she has played in Evas death. Sheila says to her parents Its you two who are being childish- trying not to face the facts. At that moment she seems to tower over them just like the Inspector did. She goes on to say that it doesnt make any real difference if he was a real Inspector or not' because in her opinion he had addressed what he was trying to say to them and the bad that they had brought into Evas short life. The main reason for her change in attitude is that she has an open mind and is willing to listen to what people have to say. She admits I behaved badly too. I know I did. Im ashamed of it. This shows that she is sorry for the wrong that she has done in the past and tries to make her parents think the same but they refuse to do this, Sheila cooperates fully with the inspector on the fact if he is an inspector or not. Its also clear that she wants to change for the better because she keeps saying Youre pretending everythings just as it was before. Sheila benefits from the inspectors visit because she now acts more openly and tells her family her points of view and that they were all in the wrong, it was like Sheila was feeling the hurt that Eva was feeling. Mrs. Birling is more is even more cold hearted than her husband, she has a position on the charity organization, She has the seat on the charity council this is not because she wants to help the poor but it is because she wants to feel Higher than the lower classes, she wants to feel like she has power over the lower classes so she does this by working on the charity board. She has the seat on the charity council but he just ignores her irony as he did with Mr. Birling. Mrs. Birling feels she has the power to remove the inspector from her house when he says something that she disagrees with. Mrs. Birling also tells her part of the story in a way that makes her sound innocent and caring towards lower class people, but by reading the play we and the inspector know that this is not true. Mrs. Birling is a cold hearted lady who only looks after her own needs. She looks down her nose at other people who are underneath her in the class divide and this can be proven by looking bak to the play where she doesnt accept Eva at the charity. This is a quotation made by Mrs. Birling when the inspector had approached her about turning Eva Smith away from the charity , youre quite wrong to believe I will regret what I did I was perfectly justified in advising the committee not to allow her claim for assistance I accept no blame for it at all. This shows that she is getting sharp with the inspector we can see this by how she says I accept no blame for it at all. This shows how heartless she is she said that also to protect her reputation on the board of the charity because this is an important factor in her life. Mrs. Birling seems to know little about her family, and their habits she finds out this when the inspector informs them that the baby she was carrying was Erics so the inspectors visit has gave her a lot of information on her own family, this shows she didnt know her own family too well because she was too busy playing the rich and upper class lady she also finds out about Erics drinking habits. Mrs. Birling learnt nothing from the experience of the inspectors visit this shows that she was very ignorant and rude during the duration of his stay, but she may learn one point from his visit and that would be too keep quiet and keep the information to herself. She is not willing to discuss people of a lower class than her so she only hears what she wants to hear she only likes to know she is better than them and that she can overrule them. Gerald is the son of Birlings rival industrialist, Sir George Croft. He is calm and collective all the time no matter where he is or what situation in which he is upon he is polite and tactful with Mr and Mrs Birling. Gerald is around thirty so he is older than Sheila and Eric. He is trusted with the secret of Arthur Birlings possible knighthood, Gerald also has views on how a factory should be run and how the workers who work inside it are treated and the importance of breaking even or making a profit are all also in the interests of Mr Birling. Gerald also supports the reasoning with which Mr Birling Justifies Eva Smith sacking from the firm. Gerald met Eva again but she had changed her name to Daisy Renton Gerald saves her from the awkward situation with Alderman. Gerald helps Eva/Daisy out however his intensions go astray as he found her attractive from the start and allowed his feelings to develop, he felt affection for Eva/Daisy but admits that her feelings for him were much stronger than his feelings were for her. He only offered her temporary help and when he left her he gave her money to help her start a new life. The fact that Gerald made Eva/Daisy happy for a while made him regret the way in which he had used her but he does not have such a deep response as Sheila does to the inspectors message. He acts on his superstitions, and as a result he is the one who begins the chain of events leading to the feeling of certainty that Goole had been an imposter. Eric Birling is not quite at ease, hes half shy but half assertive. He does not seem to have his fathers approval on the views he has his father just pushes his ideas aside and doesnt take him very seriously. His father does not keep him up to date about his possible knighthood and when Eric really needed help he felt that he couldnt talk to his father because he thought that he couldnt turn to his father because he didnt think his father was the kind of man that a chap could talk about his problems too. Eric has forced his way into Evas home and got her pregnant and he also stolen money from his family, obviously his parents didnt know this but they also found out that he also drinks too much. Like Sheila he feels sympathy for Eva Smith as soon as he hears how Mr Birling had sacked her. When he has to admit how he behaved towards her he has a stronger sense of guilt than the other because the consequences of what he did are so much worse. It is not surprising that he turns violently on his mother when he learns how she had refused to help the girl. He curses his mother and accuses her of killing both the girl and the child. He had also been rude to his farther earlier and his rudeness to his parents increases the more he drinks. So we can get a picture in our head of what the defenseless girl felt when Eric was so drunk. Eric appears to have learnt very little from his privileged education. Eric is one of the ones who have been impressed by the inspector he wants his parents to admit their mistakes as freely as he has admitted his. Even though we can see he has an aggressive side it appears he his learnt a lesson from the inspectors visit and is sincerely ashamed of his behavior and is capable like Sheila for changing for the better. So the question is How does priestly present the character of Goole, if he is not a real policeman, why has he come to visit the Birlings? What are the results of his visit? Well the inspector is introduced when the Birlings are having a celebration, this interruption spoils the celebration and takes away the party spirit that was there before the inspector turned up, the inspector is introduced as an inspector from the local constabulary the constabulary that Mr Birling knows very well, this is why he questions him about which constabulary he is from. The inspector talks with sarcasm to the family at first as they are very rude and demanding, once everyone settled he became more at ease and so did the family. But what if he wasnt a real policeman? Then why has he come to the Birlings? This is simple even if he wasnt a policeman he could have came to point out the conflict that is going on between the family and also the hurt and pain that they are constantly putting Eva through but dont know it, this Goole character might be acting in the best interests of Eva he might be a close friend or relation who cares for her and dont want to see her get any more hurt than she already is. Goole wants us to think open mindedly about his character, in some ways he makes us think he isnt a real inspector and in others he tries to influence us into believing him, this is what got the information out of the Birlings by doing this confused them about what he was, this way once one person started talking then they all started but obviously some were sharp with the inspector. Eva and Eric at the end of the play seem sympathy for Eva Gerald is stuck in the middle by being caring and ignorant (he is neither ignorant or caring he is in the middle of everything) Mr Mrs Birling are two cold hearted people who only care about what they can make for themselves, they low down at lower class people as if they dont exist. So overall the inspectors visit has changed Sheilas and Erics attitudes he has shown them what they have caused and they are now sorry and sympathetic, they are willing to change for the better as for Mr and Mrs Birling we can only say that the only thing that they have learnt is to be quiet in the future when inspectors ask them questions they learnt nothing from the inspectors visit whatsoever , Gerald is stuck in the middle of everything he neither feels sympathetic or argumentative hes a person who has strong views but also strong feelings. So overall this makes us feel that the Birlings household have been a very sad family from the start, they need to open up to each other and share their feelings, they need to get things off their mind if anything is bothering them by doing this Eric would not have had to turn to alcohol for answers.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Biggest Mistake Youre Making at Work -The JobNetwork

The Biggest Mistake Youre Making at Work -The JobNetwork Jenny Blake, a former career coach at Google says: â€Å"Being stuck in one place for too long is not going to work.† In her new book Pivot, she goes on to describe what, in her view, is the biggest mistake people make in their careers. Namely, â€Å"Taking action based on fear or ‘shoulds’.†If you feel like you are stuck in an unfulfilling job or situation, afraid to change your situation for fear of it being the wrong decision, plagued by the â€Å"what ifs,† then Blake’s book might be an important read for you.In the meantime, here are 10  ways you could overcome your fear of change and make it work for you.1. Gather your courage.In order to turn an opportunity into an outcome, you’ll have to have the courage to try. Start shoring yours up.2. Embrace fear.Fear is totally normal, and almost impossible to get rid of entirely. We can’t get rid of it, but we can change our relationship to it by changing how we react when we†™re afraid.3.  Harness anxiety.Sometimes your anxiety is a very effective radar system helping you tell the good opportunities from the riskier ones. If you can dial down your panic a bit to listen to what your intuition is telling you, you can start to use your anxiety as a tool for helping you embrace the best change possible, rather than hiding from all change.4. Embrace failureJust like fear, failure can be a productive and useful tool. Next time you fail, try to figure out the lessons you can learn and move on. You won’t fail at the same thing twice!5. Be flexible.Learn how to improvise. You don’t want to be the person who makes inflexible plans and then is unable to think fast on your feet.6. Gamble a little.Sometimes it’s a numbers game, or a matter of odds. Make a bunch of small bets on yourself and eventually your minor wins will add up to something major.7. Don’t fear experimentation.You mustn’t be afraid of trying new things. If you experiment often and continue trying new ways to succeed, you’ll get there a lot faster.8. Choose your battles.You can’t win all the time. Pick the battles that mean the most to you, press for the things that matter, and retreat when it’s not worth your energy to fight.9. Always keep on moving.Make sure you keep moving forward, no matter what. Getting stuck is worse than stumbling a little on the path to success.10.  Don’t be a slacker.The best way to not be left in the dust- or better, to find your best path to where you want to be- is to keep up with your industry and your business. Stay on the cutting edge, where you have the best chance of pivoting.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location Essay

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location - Essay Example In order to know the number of people and their characteristics, census needs to be conducted in such areas. Although the information collected may vary, it still helps the distribution planners to know how to distribute their goods depending on the population size. Most organizations look at a number of characteristics that may affect labor. These factors may be appreciably related; for instance, the amount of the workforce may be directly comparative to wage rates. Transportation availability is an important aspect in facility location decisions. It may also influence the space cost and the availability of labor. Transport availability mostly depends on the kind of products that need to be transported. If the products are bulky, then a lorry can be used, but in case of light products a pickup can be used (Zvi and Hamacher 58). Facility relocation is when a plant is closed from an area where there is low demand to an area where the demand is high while facility closing is when a plant is closed permanently. The companies should form laws on how the employees should be paid if a plant is closed. In case of facility relocation, the wage rates should increase because the demand has also

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

We Would All Eventually Develop Cancer If We Lived Long Enough Essay

We Would All Eventually Develop Cancer If We Lived Long Enough - Essay Example The other causes are genetic predisposition inherited from families and medical factors such as certain viruses linked to cancer including human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer, hepatitis B and C and which cause liver cancer (7). Based on what cancer is and its causative agents, this paper tackles the questions of whether or not everybody will eventually get cancer at some point in their lives. With supportive evidence from scientific cancer studies, this paper takes a stance not everyone eventually gets cancer, including those who live long lives. Incidence rates for all types of cancers have increased for all age groups in Great Britain since the mid-1970s. However, the largest increase has been in the 75+ age bracket. The rise has been smaller in the other age groups with the 25-49 registering the smallest increases of 31% between 1975 and 1977 and 2009 and 2011. Although many factors cause cancer, people should not be misled that everyone will get cancer. Not everyone does. The interactions of factors of cancer make the basis of this discussion. The first factor is risky behaviour, by which people indulge in dangerous behaviours that predispose them to cancer or increase their cancer risks (6). These behaviours include smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, bad or an unhealthy diet (10). In other words, people who take better care of themselves compared to their more careless counterparts are not likely to get cancer, regardless of how long they live since the type of lifestyle a person lives has real and far-reaching consequences on their propensity to get cancer. The table below shows the observed and projected lifetime risks of contracting or being diagnosed with all types of cancers in the UK. Paradoxically, whereas some people take good care of their lives really well and still get cancer others who seem not to care at all and never get cancer.     

Monday, November 18, 2019

Nursing Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Nursing Theory - Essay Example Tautology looks into the useless repetition of a concept in different parts of the theory that can confuse the explanation of the theory vague and can confuse the reader. While, teleology is examined by considering the extent to which consequences and causes are put different in a theory. Teleology happens when a theorist describes ideas by consequences and then initiates new ideas instead of getting the definitions of the original ideas. As this procedure continues, the theory remains vague for there is no lucid definition of the theory’s ideas (Peterson & Bredow, 2009). Moreover, diagrams are important to see the interrelationship of the ideas practically to each other before conducting research. They are essential in reviewing the strength of statistical associations between the theories ideas (p. 55). In conclusion, theory development and critique are important because they result to theories that are adequate, clear, and address the complexity and consistency of theories. Theories that are produced after the process are precise, definitive parameters and have clear boundaries of the subject matter. Theories provide nurses with the required basis to restructure and enlighten healthcare and improve the quality of care at all professional

Friday, November 15, 2019

Quotation And Type Of Connection Macbeth Philosophy Essay

Quotation And Type Of Connection Macbeth Philosophy Essay Within the quotation of this segment from Macbeth, Lady Macduff, still in Scotland with her young children, is deemed vulnerable when Macduff expedited to England to find Malcolm, one of two of the late King Duncans sons. An unidentified messenger is sent to warn Lady Macduff and her children of impending danger and hurriedly tells them to disappear and vacate immediately. Lady Macduff is frustrated and furious because she asserts that, whatever it may be; she has done nothing wrong and is unaware of any misdeeds she has committed. This scenario is especially similar in modern society, or more unambiguously, tyrant-ruled countries. Dictatorship can be globally observed in a relative amount of sovereign countries. This situation is predicated on the serious battle arising from Syria, a middle-eastern republic. It has consistently gained notoriety for assassinating its own people during the persisting bloodshed of the 2012 Syrian Civil War. It is an unfortunately ideal example of how c ountless citizens have been persecuted, interrogated, tortured and brutally massacred, with many of them being blameless victims caught in the threshold of an all-out conflict. This is a primary example to Macbeth in the sense that anyone in contradiction (including Macduff and his family) with the regime in Scotland might suffer the same fate of persecution and/or murder without clear justification or ethical reason. ENGLISH DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL 2 Quotation and Type of Connection Journal Entry Lady Macbeth: Come, you spirits that tend on moral thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty! (1.5.43-46) Lady Macbeth: A little water clears us of this deed: How easy is it then! (2.2.85-86) Lady Macbeth: Out, damned spot! Out, I say! (5.1.32) Text-to-same-text In these three quotes, all from different acts and scenes, there are separate yet comparable connections within each statement from Lady Macbeth. The first connection is between the first and second quotes. Lady Macbeth states that she does not wish to suffer from the consequence of her and Macbeths heinous actions of conspiring and later murdering King Duncan. In similarity to both quotes, Lady Macbeth assumingly asserts that through a few simple, however futile actions, she will not have to feel the repentance and anguish that her vileness deeds will inevitably be bestowed upon herself and Macbeth. In hopes of not enduring the lingering guilt of her actions, the first quote shows Lady Macbeth asserting that if her femininity is removed, she will have the raw emotions of ferocity, violence and portrayal of innocence commonly associated with men and masculinity. The second quote is comparable because Lady Macbeth considers that if she washes her hands, eliminating the blood and evide nce, she will be cleared of any wrongdoing. This is another clear example of inaccuracy on her part because of the assumption that guilt might not plague her mind, while in actuality, it already has. The second connection is found to be somewhat ironic between the second and third quotes. Lady Macbeths mind has been infected with culpability. It has quickly transpired into sleep deprivation, sleepwalking and sleep-talking. Through her psychotic episode during her sleepwalking, she unconsciously reveals that she was involved in Duncans murder. The third quote is shown to be contradictory to Lady Macbeths earlier statement about ridding her of the deed. During her sleepwalking, Lady Macbeth is remarking that she still bares the blood of the daggers she held. She is shown repetitively struggling to clean her blood-ridden hands. Regardless of attempts to conceal a crime or indiscretion, punishment is often foreseeable. Shakespeares interpretation of negative consequence and punishment i s illustrated flawlessly through Macbeth and Lady Macbeths immoral thoughts, actions and their eventual demise. ENGLISH DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL 3 Quotation and Type of Connection Journal Entry Lady Macbeth: Which thou esteemst the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem. (1.7.45-46) Text-to-self In this one quote from Lady Macbeth, one sentence speaks a thousand words. While contemplating to kill Duncan, Macbeth inconclusively decides to not murder the King for more reasons against it than for it. Lady Macbeth, appalled at his decision, describes that Macbeths inaction will only be regarded as pathetic and apprehensive. She states that if he does not perpetrate his plans to murder King Duncan, Macbeth might as well live his entire life as a coward and a quitter with Lady Macbeth never seeing him as a masculine husband. A somewhat relatable personal experience occurred to me. One time during the weekday school hours, it was last period before the school day ended. A few friends of mine unanimously decided that they will skip the last period of school because they were seriously uninterested. They had asked me if I would skip with them, and though I contemplated for quite some time, they repeatedly tried persuading me and I reluctantly agreed. One by one, my friends started sn eaking out of class. When it was my turn to sneak out, I had inadvertently left and sensed that the teacher might have spotted me. However, I noticed the teacher did not pursue me. While we were hanging out at the park a block away from school, I had told my friends I felt uneasy about skipping. They had told me not to worry and that I would be considered a wussy if I went back to school. Unfortunately, the next day, my teacher gave me detention for leaving without authorization. My teacher had actually seen everybody who was involved and decided to also punish the other students, but with a call home since this was not their first wrongdoing. Macbeth would have done well to have listened to his moral instinct instead or perhaps tried to encourage Lady Macbeth not to assassinate King Duncan. ENGLISH DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL 4 Quotation and Type of Connection Journal Entry The Joker: You need an ace in the hole, mines Harvey. I took Gothams white knight and I brought him down to our level. It wasnt hard; see madness as you know is like gravityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ all it takes is a little push! (Film: The Dark Knight) Macduff: Tell thee, Macduff was from his mothers womb untimely rippd. (5.8.19-20) Text-to-another-text In these two quotes, direct and indirect connections are made between climaxes in The Dark Knight and Macbeth. An explanation for the context of the film connection is introduced. In The Dark Knight, the Joker realises that he has lost the battle for control of Gotham city in a pinnacle fight with Batman. After he is apprehended by Batman the Joker sparingly reveals that he created an ace in the hole. The ace in the hole by definition is Harvey Dent. He infected the mind of district attorney Harvey Dent (nicknamed The White Knight) with a malicious idea to seek vengeance against those involved in conspiring against and attempting to kill him. What Macduff discloses in the ultimate battle to the death with Macbeth is his own variation of ace in the hole. The witches prophecy foretold that Macbeth could not be defeated by anyone of woman born, nonetheless, Macbeths confidence (although feeling surrounded) is increased. Macbeth is constantly self-assuring that he will be victorious. How ever, Macbeth understood belatedly that Macduff underwent a caesarian section and therefore was not of woman born. Additionally, an indirect and more in depth example of a connection between the film quote and the message of the play in its entirety is what the Joker exposes as his knowledge of madness/insanity. He asserts how simple it is to contaminate ones mind with a wicked idea such as murder, similar to what the three witches had implanted in Macbeths mind (to murder King Duncan). Both quotes hold important information which can also be interpreted as their own description of an ace in the hole (an advantage that is reserved for use until it is most needed). ENGLISH DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL 5 Quotation and Type of Connection Journal Entry Macbeth: Methought, I heard a voice cry, Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep-the innocent sleep, / Still it cried, Sleep no more! to all the house: Glamis hath murderd sleep: and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more! (2.2.47-48 2.2.54-56) Macbeth: In restless ecstasy. Duncan is in his grave, after lifes fitful fever he sleeps well, treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing, can touch him further! (3.2.20-28) Text-to-same-text Macbeth explains that now, after King Duncans murder and his own subsequent ascension to the throne; he grows increasingly doubtful whether his kingship will remain. Regret is progressively revealed in Macbeths soliloquies. Macbeths deterioration of his conscience now shows he is somewhat jealous of Duncan because nothing can bother him and he can rest in peace while Macbeth is systematically tormented because of his murderous deed. The earlier mention of a prophecy-like warning told to Macbeth about how he will henceforth be rendered sleepless and mentally disturbed. It is a twist of ironic fate because Macbeth intended to kill King Duncan to become king himself, but soon realised that Duncan is resting in peace while Macbeth is restless. This very notion upsets Macbeth and he further regrets murdering Duncan in the first place. Because of the adverse side effects of sleep deprivation and latter guilt, Macbeths efforts to overlook the entire homicidal exploit will be hopeless and wi ll drive Macbeth into full-fledged psychosis and mental instability. The connection between these two quotes is contrary because of the first quotes warning about Macbeths impending sleep deficiency and the second quotes explanation of King Duncans eternal restfulness. Journal for Act 2 Journal of Macbeth: Following King Duncans horrifying murder and speculation falls upon anyone associated with him. Mysterious Murders. CBC News 06 September 2012. My mind wanders inside itself, begging for response, resolutions, and dissolution of repentance. The witches prophesied my future exploits and endeavors. How dare I conspire? My vileness deed was considered at risk of bringing unease and murder of sleep. My alibi for this enactment was not planned with exceptionality and vigilance. I suspect that others might have noticed my peculiar behaviour and unusual explanation for the kings guards murders. However, with my sturdy reputation, likelihood for conviction is doubtful. Blameworthiness will fall upon Duncans young sons since they have already fled. Earlier, perhaps the worst questioning of my abilities was when my Lady Macbeth examined my integrity, masculinity and valour. How dare I be contradicted, and by mine own wife! Duncans lifeless body shall be a clear reminder of my ascending power. Sacrifice must be made in order to fulfill a divination, Duncans killing was foreseeable, and the witches incantation expressed to me that I wou ld become king. Now I shall enjoy reigning over the great nation of Scotland. Although I have become King, the witches prophecy predicted that Banquos son, Fleance, will someday inherit the throne. Both of them must be eliminated to ensure my reigning over this country is not compromised. Today is the dawning of a new age. Our enemies will plead us to refrain from attacking them and we will consider it. And only one word of warning for all those standing in my path to hierarchy, when you have me for an enemyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ no one shall here you scream, food for thought. Macbeth Journal for Act 4 Journal of Macduff: Following Macduffs reaction and ultimate battle in memory of his slaughtered family. Vengeance is Forthcoming. Toronto Star 13 September 2012. AL Print. How can any man refrain from revealing true emotion about a dreadful and extremely tragic loss? Macbeth will feel my displeasure and he will rue the day he took my loved ones from me. I will ensure that my retort will inflict a very deep message in Macbeths senseless noggin. The army of England has already secured the deployment of over 10,000 soldiers to Scotland to prey and eradicate Macbeth once and for all. I have recently been informed of Lady Macbeths suicide, along with others in his inner circle and I feel a certain amount of justice has occurred. Now the main conflicting enemy, Macbeth, is to be cornered by the soldiers at his castle where he is headquartered. He has killed my young children and my loving wife! Lord, please give me the strength to pursue Macbeth until he begins pleading for mercy. He shall join his wife in eternal matrimonial hell. He first devised a treacherous plot against King Duncan, killed him, unleashed an authoritarian ruling regime and lastly, in a s ense, destroyed everything that gave my life purpose and the will to live. The time comes for our supreme battle to the death and my well-deserved retribution. We engaged in sword fighting, I noticed his unrequited determination to defeat me. Macbeth, of course feeling indestructible, was obviously stronger than I. However, when he happened to mention the prophecy and its merits about the of woman born section, I revealed that I was not in fact of woman born! This sheer esteem-crumbling fact impacted Macbeths outcome of our battle. Macduff Journal for Act 5 Journal of Macbeth: Following Macbeths eventual demise while fighting against Englands encompassing army. The Tyrants Pinnacle Battle. Toronto Star 18 September 2012. AL Print. The three Witches proclaimed me indomitable toward anyone of woman born. I do not intend to back down from this persisting battle; it shall be to the death. I am untouchable, invincible, immovable and unstoppable! No one, not Macduff, Malcolm, Donaldbain, or anyone else shall defeat my intellect and awesome power, especially those of woman born! Why worry? Although I am alone, I shall prevail. Macduff appears enraged when first seeing me. Deep in my mind, I do regret relentlessly killing Macduffs family; nevertheless, I must eliminate all threats, including Macduff himself. This is a cutthroat battle and it must be endured, I can wait no longer for fate to decide for me but rather I select my own destiny, Triumph or Death. Today, I fight for my wife, myself and for Scotland under my reign. How could it be possible for a person, particularly Macduff, to not be born of woman Impossible! My fate cannot be rectified. I must now suffer the consequence I have long eluded, Deathà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Live free Scotland, for I cannot. Live long and prosper! Macbeth

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Male Cheerleading is a Sport! Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Argume

Male Cheerleading is a Sport! Against popular belief, females were not the founders behind the sport of cheerleading; instead males who were so eager to cheer while watching sporting events created this sport. In the 1890's the first pep club was organized at Princeton University, and it was there where the first organized yell was recorded. The University of Minnesota organized cheerleading and the first school "fight song." Women didn't get introduced to cheerleading until the 1920s when gymnastics was slowly introduced to the sport. Cheerleading didn't become a predominantly woman sport until the 1950's. Today there are more then three thousand high school and college cheerleaders in the United States. 97% of all cheerleaders are female; however, approximately 50% of collegiate Cheerleaders are male. Although males were the founders of cheerleading they have different social and cultural costs and benefits than females involved in this sport today. There are many different stereotypes that males need to face; and these labels stem from the current day problem of homophobia. When a man enters the world of cheerleading he is immediately labeled as being effeminate. These males are faced with the task of overcoming society's stereotypes of a male Barbie figure. Ken, Barbie's male counterpart is a muscular, preppy, and all American boy. These qualities often lead society to label those males that have these characteristics as gay. Many generalizations are made that gay men are not athletic and therefore would turn to cheerleading as their sport of interest. To many homophobic people cheerleading is therefore deemed as a sport for sissies. They claim that cheerleaders are there solely for looks and entertainment purposes out... because they provide them with strength needed to perform difficult stunts. Society often labels an activity a sport if it is rugged, requires endurance, strength, and masculine qualities. Because cheerleading is a predominantly women sport and is characterized by attractive uniforms and cheers, society often shuns the idea of men participating in this activity. Often times the activity is not considered a sport and the males and females are not considered athletes. Both males and females have to fight to encourage others to perceive them as athletes. In 1997, only one all female division participated in the NCAA all-collegiate cheer and dance team national championships. This proves the point that despite the social and cultural costs involved, males are still eager to participate in the sport that they originally founded and feel many more benefits as well.